Friday, April 30, 2010

VIP Culture - A Mulla Nasrudin Story

A Mulla Nasrudin Story

Mulla Nasrudin decided to attend a grand reception given by the King to which he had not been invited.

He pompously entered the VIP area and seated himself at the foremost elegant chair. 

The Chief Usher approached Mulla Nasrudin and said: “Sir, this is the VIP enclosure and those places are reserved for Guests of Honour.”
“Oh, I am more than a mere guest,” replied Nasrudin confidently.

“Oh, so are you a diplomat…?”

“Far more than that…” replied Nasrudin haughtily.

“Really…? So you are a Minister, perhaps…?”

“No, bigger than that too….” Nasrudin said pretentiously.

“Oho…! So you must be the King himself, sir…” said the Chief Usher sarcastically.

“Higher than that…” Nasrudin said ostentatiously.

“What…? Are you higher than the King…? Nobody is higher than the King…!”

“Now you’ve got it right. I am nobody…!” said Nasrudin.

Dear Reader, think about it: Being nobody is the greatest thing in life, isn’t it – elevation comes through the abandonment of ego.


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